Effective interpersonal communication skills may be among the most important skills that you acquire.
Many people may miss out on opportunities because of poor communication skills.
At home, school, work, or play, let interpersonal communication skills help you.
This book introduces you to a collection of useful skills.
The book provides examples and background information to help you apply the skills.
This book introduces you to important skill areas and topics. These include:
The Family Skills section includes skills for communicating with children and family communications.
The Public Skills presented in the book include:
The book includes other sections introducing helpful skills and important information.
You may find the book to be useful for yourself.
You may want to give copies to friends and people who are important to you.
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Feel free to e-mail the Equinet Broadcasting Network at ebn@excite.com.
This page was updated on December 22, 2004.
Copyright © 1998-2004 by Barry G. Wong. All rights reserved.