. Translate . For current learners .
You can make a Web page - or a computer program!
- Start learning
- basic HTML - and make Web pages
- basic computer programing - and make puzzles or games
- Enjoy learning easily through an experience that is largely
- hands-on
- step-by-step
- example-oriented
- one-to-one
No computer experience? No problem!
- "How do I switch on that computer?" "How do I start using a computer mouse effectively?" "What happens if I make a mistake?"
- Your questions are important.
- Many of your questions can be answered
- in person, or
- via telephone
- Contact Equinet Broadcasting Network for more information. If appropriate, ask a friend or an associate to help
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Feel free to e-mail the Equinet Broadcasting Network at ebn@excite.com.
This page was updated on September 3, 2007.
Barry G. Wong
Equinet Broadcasting Network
E-mail: ebn@excite.com
World Wide Web: https://mythanks.tripod.com/
Copyright © 1998-2007 by Barry G. Wong. All rights reserved.