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.ppt files - Microsoft PowerPoint document files

Suppose you are unable to view a file properly. You discover the type of the file is .ppt or "Microsoft PowerPoint presentation".

How do you display a .ppt file (or a related file, such as a .pps, .pot, or .lst file) properly?

  1. Method 1: Download and use the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer

    1. If appropriate, read about and download the appropriate version of the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer-related software for free:

    2. Install the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer-related software.
    3. Use the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer-related software to open and to display .ppt files.
  2. Method 2: Use OpenOffice.org software to view a converted copy

    If (for example)

    then you might prefer to use Method 2 to try to convert the .ppt file and to view the results. For this method, select one of these options:


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Feel free to e-mail the Equinet Broadcasting Network at ebn@excite.com.

This page was updated on September 14, 2007.

Barry G. Wong
Equinet Broadcasting Network
E-mail: ebn@excite.com
World Wide Web: https://mythanks.tripod.com/

Copyright © 1998-2007 by Barry G. Wong. All rights reserved.

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